
Jillian from Trinity Methodist Church (TMC)
Jillian Goh Zi Ying, a dedicated volunteer from Trinity Methodist Church, regularly brings her positivity and energy to CSLMCH. In an era where young adults prioritise career pursuits and personal relationships. Jillian stands out with her commitment to community service. She views her volunteer work as an extension of her Christian values. "Our work allows us to share the love of Christ and journey with the residents towards a life filled with purpose and hope."
Jillian organises monthly activities and ensures our children have engaging and meaningful ways to spend their time. Overcoming challenges is an integral part of Jillian's volunteer journey.
"When I first started, I found it difficult to break the ice with residents I met for the first time. It can be disheartening when they are unresponsive, but I've learned that they warm up gradually, and you need to be sincere and patient and not take things personally."
Jillian's volunteer work extends beyond CSLMCH. She recently spoke at Trinity Methodist Church and delivered a compelling message encouraging youths to volunteer. "Try volunteering in a space or area that fits your inclinations first. Over time, you'll be more comfortable stepping into different types of volunteering."
Jillian shares her experiences at CSLMCH, "I have learnt that it is important to be able to set your preconceived notions and biases aside to empathise with the children truly." As a volunteer leader, Jillian fosters teamwork and collaboration among her peers through open communication and transparency.
When asked how she faces setbacks, she says, "I reach out to more senior volunteers within our church for advice, tap into our network of existing volunteers and pray!" When asked about her motivation for volunteering, Jillian replied, "I believe that God loves everyone and longs for every child to be cared for and nurtured." Her dedication and service inspire others to make a difference in the lives of those in need, showcasing the transformative power of faith and service in the community.